REVIEW:  I must say that all-in-all I thoroughly enjoyed Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a classic story of pride, love and of course prejudice.  J  No really it was a great read and I look forward to more than likely reading it again in the future.  Although I read this on the Kindle, I do believe this is a book to be purchased for sure!  I look forward to watching the movie soon as I hear it follows the book well. 

Also, this weekend I made a trip to
Barnes & Noble to try to spend my Christmas gift card and found a new book entitled Mr. Darcy’s Secret, by Jane Odiwe this book acts as a sequel to Pride & Prejudice.  I think I may have to revamp my 2011 Reading List.  LOL

2/9/11 - OMG - it's like with each passing page this book seems to be getting better and better.  And yes, I'm finally a little more than half way through the book.  I must say that so far, this book has some great surprises!  So far, it's a DEFINITE MUST READ CLASSIC!!!!!  
- I'm almost half way through the book - it's definitley has its surprises.  I'm really enjoying it so far and can't wait to see what happens next!
- I decided to switch around January and February's books - so for the month of January, I will be reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  I decided to read this book first because I received the Amazon Kindle for Christmas and this was one of the free books - and since I was sooooo excited to use my Kindle - I thought why not read this book first. 
I've heard a lot about this book over the years, but have yet to actually read it myself.  So far, it's pretty interesting.  I'm wondering about Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy....is there a connection there????  I don't know, I guess I better keep reading to find out!  Keep you all posted on the progress - considering my recent medical condition, I'll probably finish this sometime in February seeing as how I haven't had much time to read this month.  :)
P.S. I'm loving my Kindle! 

Maia Broden
2/24/2011 01:44:52 am

This book is amazing and a must for anyone that is an advid reader to have read! I remember reading it in 9th grade and then I reread it in my early 20's! It is beautiful literally and a great romance novel! LOVE Enjoy and tell me what you think once you are finished ;-)


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