4/26/11 - I've had so much going on since January of this year, that I feel as though I’m am reading a bit slower, or having less and less time to actually sit down and read a good book.  But overall, I thoroughly enjoyed The Audacity of Hope, I’m glad I took the time out to read it.  I believe that Obama was genuine in his approach and rhetoric.  Although he wasn’t at the time preparing to run for President of the United States, I believe this book gave him a platform in which to run on.  A lot of his ideals and ideologies are showcased here and were reflective in his 2008 Election Campaign.  It was also great to look back and remember the various events that have taken place in our American History over the beginning of this 21st Century….and to remember what was going on in my life during those events.  This is actually the first political book I’ve read and I’m glad that I expanded my horizons and took a step back from my typical fiction novel, or my favorite historical fiction novels.  I will definitely read more political books in the future.  For anyone who wants to take a closer look at our President and what he stands for or the reasoning behind his beliefs and practices – they should definitely read this book! 

3/23/11 - Still enjoying this book.  So far, it's making me have a better understanding of our government, and why things are the way that they are. 
3/9/11 -
I started this book on Sunday, and it's pretty good so far.....

Read an excerpt.

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