I just found this cool website 750words.com its like an online journal - but only you can see what you write, so it's more personal.  I had fun writing for the first time using this website.  I think I'll try it again.  Below were my most frequenlty used words....I reached 761 words today.  I think I did pretty good.  LOL
Frequently used wordsbefore daily don't down feel get go going good guess her home just last like looking me more move my night not our ready really say should that's things think too trying up want website well words

Bet you wish you knew what I was writing about.  Don't cha!?!  LMBO!!!!
So for the final November Gratitude Project, I decided to create a 1-page Layout about Thanksgiving.  This was our first Thanksgiving Holiday back in Texas.  We had a great time hopping from one house to the next - and enjoying all the great food too of course.  I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the Christmas Season.

I also wanted to give an update on Daily Gratitude - November Gratitude Project 2 of 5.  I completed the book yesterday evening.  It was very simple and easy to put together.  This year, I didn't add any extras but I was thinking that next year, I may add small pictures and possibly some embellishments to some of the pages - not all.  I had a great time making this project and I look forward to doing it again next year.

Happy Scrappin'
FINALLY, part 5 of 5 will be up tomorrow.  For now, here is a simple Gratitude Card.  Enjoy!