Ali Edwards Week In The Life Project ended for me last Monday.  This week, I've been working on putting my album together.  In the past I've done 12x12 as well as 8.5x11 Albums.  Out of the two I liked the 12x12 album better.  I felt that when I did the 8.5x11 Album that things seemed a bit crowded and cluttered.  I don't know maybe I just put too many items into my album. 

So this year, I decided to embark on a new idea and go with an 8x8 album.  So far, so good.  I've enjoyed putting the album together.  I decided to go with the 8x8 album, because I felt as though I might not collect as many items as I have in past years - this assumption turned out to be correct.  I still focused on a brief synopsis of my day as I did in my 8.5x11 Album in 2010, and I also have focused on Observations, Favorite Moment(s), Food and Gratitude(s).  Today I printed out my photos and look forward to completing this album.

If you've never participated in this album before, I highly encourage it.  I've been doing it since 2007 and I still enjoy going back every once in a while to look at these albums and see how much things have changed over the years.  So on that note, I think I better go back to working on this album!

Happy Scrappin'!


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