For years, I've collected the fortunes from fortune cookies I've received from take out or Asian restaurants.  I love fortune cookies....so a few months back - as I looked at a small container I had with all the fortunes - I wondered what I should do with them....then finally it hit me - I decied to make a scrapbook layout that showcased my love for fortune cookies....so that's what I did.  I finally got around to taking a picture of my fortune cookie - before eating it of course - I had to snap a photo.  Then, after printing the photo - I went to work on deciding how I was going to get the photo plus the majority of my fortunes on the page...and this is what I came up with. 
So I challenge you to great a scrapbook layout or something else creative - using something you've been collecting over the months or even years!  :)
~Happy Scrappin'

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